Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Every year I have been alive I almost always have a scar for that year. When I was eighteen months old I stuck my left hand under the vacuum while it was going. When I was two I fall down cement stairs and cut my chin open and had to get stitches. Three I fell down the escalators and got a scar on my forehead. Four, five, six, and seven I was safe. Eight I fell off my bike and got a scar on my left knee. When I was nine I was at my grandparent’s house/ junkyard when I was climbing a wooden crate and got a piece of wood stuck in my left knee, which left a scar. Ten and eleven I was safe, and did get any scars. Twelve, I was racing my friend on are bike on my road when I hit both of the brake very hard, and I went over the handle bars and cut my chin open again, I didn't have to get stitches. Thirteen I cut myself shaving and had to pull two inches of skin out of my razor. Fourteen I probably did something that I can remember. Fifteen I got mad and took it out on my punching bag downstairs and now have scars on my pinkies. Sixteen, I cut my leg on the edge on my dresser and have a scar there and I busted up my hand again with the punching bag and will probably have scar on my hands cause of it. I sure thought the rest of my year I will acquirer my scars, but for now I’m done.


The Puppet Master said...

To answer your Question Yes, I have witnessed the being which I speak of

Talley said...

You have got to be more careful with yourself. Good post, but it sounds pretty painful to be you :)